Saturday, February 7, 2009



What is your purpose for life? Life is a journey with many jumbles to go over, it’s rather challenging; it’s also like building a house (gradual and pools together many elements). It’s a continuous process that involves striking a balance between what we are in the world around us and what we know about the world around us, driven by our inner passions and desires to determine what we actually become in life.

In life, one needs a plan to help them make useful decisions that will enable them grow positively.
A Plan is what you do before you decide to do what you want to do. Like in development, planning must come first if one desires order. It is not good for personal long-term career development to just happen without planning or deciding! In today’s rapidly changing world, you must LEARN to PLAN and PLAN to LEARN because FAILURE to PLAN is PLANNING to FAIL!

Throughout your life time, as you plan to make a decision on what to do, you need to learn new attitudes and skills to deal with the reality of uncertain and rapid unpredictable change, the intricacy of career-life assimilation, and the need for teamwork . This will require a dissimilar approach than the traditional career planning process, which was developed before unconventional paradigm shifts and modern technology completely changed where, when and how we work, who
works, and how we define work. These changes have eliminated all the boundaries between working and living.

Today’s world is changing more rapidly, and becoming more intricate, and more unpredictable than ever before. In fact, change itself changes every now and then. Change no longer follows trends and the past no longer guides the future. Therefore, in planning your career future today, you will want to employ your “changeability skills” of open-mindedness, flexibility, and patience.

In planning your career future today, do not consider your career to be just your job, or occupation, or the work you do. Your new holistic mind-set will help you see your career as being the totality of your life, including the work you do and the workplace, but also including your family life and home, friends and community, other parts of your life and other’s life, etc. Therefore, your career planning must also involve learning to be aware of the many complex, interconnected, and continuously unfolding factors that contribute to your career development.


It will always be there for you whenever you need it and call on to it,

It will always does not discriminate, its doors are open to each and every one who is interested,

It cares about you and it is always thinking about you waiting to catch you be fore you fall, it gives you a shoulder to lean on till you die!!

It loves you very much that it will use every available opportunity to get hold of you tightly!!
Change your attitude today and reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS;

Have one sexual partner, Be faithful to him or her, and stay away from prostitutes!!!


A year of history making and breaking is now gone. I would like us to put the trials and tribulations of 2008 behind us and start working positively towards a productive Uganda for the less privileged Youth and Children. Let 2009 be a year of Transformation. Our Senior Citizens should concentrate their efforts towards preparing our children to compete in the Global Economy. The decisions they make about education in the coming 2 years before we seek new leadership will shape our nation’s future for generation to come.

2008 was mired with wrong decision making by our senior citizens, i.e. selfish politicking, murder, sexual immorality among others; Opposition leaders engaging in useless political wars thus showing no potential for positive change, and the Ministry of Education turning a deaf ear to the public out cry about the poor quality of our education. The Vice President should advise the president on how Our Education System can be improved in line with his responses during an interview with the New Vision on October 22 2008 titled “Varsities should give Job Creation Skills”. Being the reigning Chancellor of St. Lawrence University the VP- would make a good advisor to the President (former chancellor of Makerere University) on educational issues.

The Minister of Education and Sports should start giving thought to the causes of the syndrome of “Working Experience” which is a “password” to employment in almost all sectors of our economy. She should begin by examining the Mode of Training in Institutions of Higher learning, which by 2008 had given priority to Numbers for profit maximization thus getting overwhelmed and failing to give the required practical training at a manageable student-lecturer ratio (at least 1:5). She should include a provision for Mandatory Partnerships between Higher Institutions of learning and Employers in the Education Act, such that it becomes illegal to offer training to students without exposure to the work world, among others. This will reduce the agony of fresh Job Seekers since they will not only have virtual practical work experience by will have acquired real experience in a real working environment. A good reference point would be Florida State University, where they have created partnerships with employers in various professions to offer Standard Internships, Funded Two-Year Cooperative Internships, and Employer Recruitment Visits for their students. Under the Employer recruitment visits for instance, prospective employers connect with and hire the best students, many of whom receive job offers in the months prior to graduation. In addition, departments within the university directly interact with relevant employers for their students and arrange formal and informal meetings between employers and students.

The State Minister for Youth and Children, should jump out of his skin of frustration with Uganda’s Education System and confront his superiors directly other than just talking about it in gatherings and behind closed doors. The Youth Coalition for Development has prepared a proposal which will be delivered to his office for consideration. The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister should advise government to start mobilizing resources to create or fund the formation of rural libraries for rural schools in addition to funding public libraries as he recommended at the 20th Anniversary of Fountain Publishers. The Youth Coalition for Development has already started establishing rural libraries under a project called EQOSE-SOMERO aimed at creating equal opportunities for success in education, and would make a good partner in this venture.

Hon. Erias Lukwago should organize some demonstrations on the injustices in our education system like Lukyamuzi used to do on environmental issues. He should also merge brains with Hon. Abudu Katutuntu and look for rights that are being violated under the current education system, for instance the right to quality education under one the International Conventional Agreements on Education.

Parliament should have a special session to discuss a way forward for our education system. They should not start with temangalo. They should particularly pay attention to the situation in rural schools where majority of the victims of “mal-education” can be easily found, discuss and identify possible sources of funding to avert the trend of events in the current education systems. The discussion should be devoid of finger pointing and politicking. In order to make decisions geared towards nation building, our leaders need to summon a new spirit of nationalism. They should put their political differences aside for the next two years and work together for positive change.

Let 2009 - 2010 be a period of national healing, genuine unity, peace, and reconciliation. Let the opposition think about a new approach to national leadership devoid of Individualism, Nepotism, Tribalism, Favoritism and marginalization of the youth as is the case with the current political parties i.e. CP for Lukyamuzi, DP for Ssebaana, FDC for Besigye, PPP for Bidandi Ssali, PDP for Dr. Bwanika, UPC for Obote’s Family and friends, and NRM for His Excellency Yoweri K. M, e.t.c.

May God Bless Uganda in 2009

Dear God,

Forgive me for I am not worthy to question your decisions, but please hear me out. The bible says, in Revelation 20:7-8, that when the thousand years end, Satan will be let out of his prison to go out and deceive the Nations from every corner of the earth, but I think you have given the devil too much freedom! Okay, I know we are living in the last days, but the current trend of events is horrible! Please have mercy on us, especially the innocent children.

Reports of Defilement of Children by Teachers and Religious leaders, and Ritualistic Child Sacrifices by the people you have made rich, have dominated the local media, loss of lives in Car Accidents, Organized Murders using metal bars, Killing of Thieves and Robbers by mob justice, Rape and Kidnaps.

Our Senior Citizens (Ministers, Members of Parliament and Religious Leaders e.t.c) are being accused of engaging in shameful and immoral acts such as Rape, Defilement, Theft, Corruption, Embezzlement, Murder, Prostitution, and Satanism.

Democracy has become "Demon-crazy" where "Demons" have also started voting! It's no longer the most popular candidate who wins but the one with more "demons" to steal votes.

King of Glory, Aids was recently reported to be more prevalent amongst married couples, majority of whom are in Holy Matrimony, where has people's faithfulness gone? Father, there is a lot of mockery of your Holy Name going on in this country even in your Holy House (Church) from where some priests are no longer ashamed to break the Ten Commandments.

Almighty father, like you said in Revelation 2:2, I have lately stopped going to church because I do not trust our religious leaders any more! I have resorted to fellowshipping with friends and family whose behavior is known to me. I am not so righteous myself, which is why I need people I can trust to help me leave a purpose driven life, leading me by example.

On a Global Scale my lord, Disasters have become rampant, claiming millions of lives! Hurricanes, Typhoons, Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Earth quakes, Cyclones, Floods, Tremors, Global Warming, among others! These things are horrible my lord, please take them away.

King of Glory, you need to intervene, like you promised in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Yes Lord, You Can.

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